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paulina x. miranda

Born in Santiago-Chile, actually based in Italy.


"My work has always searched a union between the form created by human being across the times and the diverse creatus forms; the divine form, so to say, nature. Is that harmony, that beauty that creates itself that interest me and the one I look for; that something that makes clear the unicity of the whole."


"Mi trabajo ha siempre buscado una unión entre la forma creada por el hombre a  través del tiempo y las diversas formas del creato; las formas divinas, por así decirlo la naturaleza. Es esa armonía, esa belleza que se crea, la que me interesa y la que busco. Es lo que torna claro la unicidad del todo."


Studies for one scholastic year at Davidson College in Davidson N. C., USA.

Graduates in Fine Arts at the Universidad  Católica de Chile (UC), specialised on painting.


Kellie Miller Arts, Brighton UK.

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